recreating looks from magazines are always fun~~esp from jap mags n_n~~ they take the most unrelated pieces and somehow make them work! haha...i should take notes :P
anyway i'm a huge cardigan fan as you can probably tell from my A&F cardigans obsession...and i've actually been on the hunt for a heart cardigan~~i believe i spotted some from topshop awhile ago...but they haven't put out any for awhile now *sad*
today...*after writing a 5-hr practice exam x_x* i stumbled across this starry cardigan that look quite cute~~i never would pair it with a red skirt but it definitely works on the model~~so i thought it deserve some honourable mention on my blog here goes~~
i know shipping is ridiculous eh? haha but yeah a lot of asian ebay sellers put up a really low bid price and a really high shipping price (probably attract buyers and pay ebay less fees?) so it's actually part of the price of the you definitely should factor that in when doing comparison shopping's also the reason why you never see a huge discount that you would expect from combined shipping like normal sellers...but usually it's still a good bargain~~

lol might as well feature this one too...this dress kind of grew on me...not really my style...but the model makes it look adorable and i love the white socks+pumps pairing!!