Wednesday, August 17, 2011

*~Hello Kitty x Swarvoski~*

x_x ah totally didn't mean to be so MIA the last few weeks but my grandma & cousin came to visit so just been super super busy~~ I dropped by eatons centre last last week and checked out the Hello Kitty x Swarovski collection. I was most impressed with the earrings but the necklaces only looked good on the model (unique but was not flattering on my neckline)... n_n!!

From the ones I saw in person, here are some of my top picks from the collection:

Hello Kitty Pink Bow Pierced Earrings - US$90
i absolutely love this - this is definitely hands down my FAVOURITE from the collection! overall, the collection was less pricey than i expected since it's swarovski + the ever popular hello kitty ~~ i love soft sparkly pink and i feel it goes with my cutesy style better than the red and the hearts are a very nice touch! this is a fantastic bday gift or for any special occasions n_n
Hello Kitty Red Bow Pierced Earrings - US$85
gotta love the classic look! for those can pull off red, this is definitely the one to go for! this to me is a more mature look than the pink ones with the tangled teardrop and i can see it as the perfect accessory with a LBD n_n just not for my personal style but it's definitely a recommended piece for those who can pull it off!

Hello Kitty Pink Bow Necklace - US$95
This looks absolutely stunning on the display BUT when I tried it on, I was quite disappointed with the way it sat on my neckline...because the two dangled hearts didn't sit right and kept getting tangled so I'm not sure how well it would work out wearing it through out the day but otherwise I did like the colour (gotta have my pink!!) very much and it's at a quite reasonable price for a necklace~~i would say still give it a try in stores and see if it works out for u!

**Misc Note -> I'm going to HK in less than 3 weeks!! I'm super excited and wanted to see if you gals have any recommendations (i.e. shopping, attractions, must-sees, must-dos, must-eats :P) please let me know!!**

thanks in advance gals n_n!